Tonight as Erik and I sat in the living room I noticed we were matching. Maroon, black, and navy blue.
his pearl-snap flannel shirt+my dark red tennies
his black converse+my black tank top
his navy stripes+my navy sweater
It wasn't all that rare really- I wear those dark red Keds nearly everyday
(and once the weather drops below 60 Erik can't get enough of his Wrangler flannel.)
was rare that we had an hour to sit together on a week night.
Things have been hectic. I'm not gonna lie. He usually comes in after class with just enough time to change clothes and scarf down a bowl of chili (recipe coming!) , then he's out the door and off to play another show/rehearsal/lesson.
But our dreams for the future still match.
And his flannel is always super-snuggly when he gets home.