And now a story. Completely unrelated.
I know I'm going to seem like such a sheltered little bee-otch for posting this on my blog but...well, let's face it. I am. I'm a suburbian princess. Get over it. Sue me. Do what you have to do. Here's the scoop:
Yesterday afternoon I went to the grocery store.
No big deal.
After picking up the milk, sausage, brownie mix (new diet) and cheese, I drove back home, parked the car, waved at my neighbor who was watering his lawn (I love him- he is 70 years old and his name is Peter), got my groceries, and headed for the house.
Now, I did notice a man standing on the corner looking a little...lost, but this is Seattle- I decided to cut him a little slack. Nothing was out of the ordinary until I got out my keys and started to unlock the door. I heard something to my left and as I turned my head the man that had been out on the corner about 30 seconds earlier had come around my house, through the bushes, and was standing in my backyard only a few feet away from me-just staring at me.
I repeat- me, 24 year old woman, unlocking door, entering house, flowers blooming, birds chirping, four sacks of groceries, and a "prowler" (9-1-1 dispatchers term-not mine) standing in my back yard.
So did I drop the groceries and run? Did I bolt inside and lock the door behind me????
I looked him dead in the eyes and said, "Can I help you with something?"
I sassed him.
Because that's what I do when I'm terrified- I get ballsy. I put my hand on my hip and shake my head around like a bobble-head doll.
Genius, I know.
But by the power of the Lord in Heaven he turned around, yelled something indiscriminate, and walked away. (I think he was probably high). Then I ran inside and started shaking like a puppy that just went for a swim in a freezing cold pond. And I wasn't going to call the cops. Because I'm a city girl now. I'm tough. These bums don't scare me. *wink*
But I had to know- was he still out there?
So I made the obvious, rational, logical choice. I went back outside.
And he was gone.
And I sighed a sigh of relief.
And I clenched my cell phone on which I had pre-dialed "9-1-1".
And I thought, "Phew."
And just as I was about to go back inside, guess who came walking back up to the house from the alley.
and fast.
At that point I tore inside the house and pushed "SEND". I walked around the house in circles at about 20 mph. I WAS HOME ALONE! And as I spoke with the dispatcher I parted the mini-blinds and watched him walk up and down the street. Finally, he turned and disappeared from sight.
"Yes, we'll send someone out. We've gotten a few prowler calls from that location."
"Oh, really? hmm" I tried to sound as calm and casual as possible. Like we were two friends chatting over tea.
Within minutes an officer came to the front door and I told him my heart-stopping story. He didn't care. He wrote down my name and number on a big white sheet of paper with scribbles all over it.
And when I finished my dramatic re-enactment he paused and said,
"Well......................we got the guy. So.........."
I didn't ask any questions. I thanked him, smiled,
pre-dialed my phone to 9-1-1
put my finger on SEND
and stood in the middle of the living room until Erik got home 30 minutes later.