Currently blogging from mom's iPad as we drive through California's Central Valley.
I almost puked in Barstow at "Brownie's Gas and Liquor" today. If I have to use one more moldy bathroom with grafitti carved into the toilet seat...it's not going to be pretty. I'm serious. My dad chooses the nastiest looking places to stop for gas. I think he thinks it's funny. If you know my dad, you know what I mean.
What should have been an 8 hour drive today is turning out to be more like 12. Traffic was absolutely horrible!! And that's coming from someone who lived in Southern CA for 7 years.
Mom lived there for years-fighting the freeway traffic several mornings on her way to work. She told us the funniest story today about the day she decided she'd had enough:
After sitting in stop and go traffic for what seemed like an eternity, pulled her 1966 Baby Blue VW bug into the shoulder and stepped on the gas. The other six lanes of traffic crept along at nearly a standstill while mom soared past them at 60 mph. What a brilliant idea! Now she would definitely make it to work on time! (It's safe to say that the Beach Boys were probably blasting out of the radio too.) She was riding high, so proud of her brilliant plan, when suddenly, she spotted something up ahead in the distance. As she got closer she realized it was a police officer parked in the shoulder just WAITING for her! She had no choice but to pull her little baby blue bug up behind the patrol car, put it into park and wait for him to write her a ticket. Even her expert flirting skills and like, Valley Girl looks couldn't get her off the hook this time. Lol
Back home soon! We had a wonderful time in Vegas-can't wait to share the pictures of the great time we had with our family.
Ciao bellas! Hope you had a fantastic holiday weekend!