If there is one thing we should cherish and protect in this life -
one thing we should try to preserve and maintain-
it is our health.
The last 2 weeks have given me a whole new appreciation for my body and my health. I'm finally on the upswing after being diagnosed with a kidney infection and bacterial in my blood.
It sounds a lot worse than it was...I think. It sure didn't feel very good. Even after all of the doctor visits and tests, I don't think my doctors were 100% sure what was really causing all the pain. But that's ok, because between the 7 antibiotics I got at the pharmacy we were bound to kill whatever the heck it was! :) The percocet didn't hurt either (it always makes me have the craziest dreams!)
I'm just thankful to be feeling closer to normal- and infinity thankful for Nurse Erik (haha) and all of his love and attention :) Looking up at me with red marks on his cheeks where his hands were, because he'd been sleeping in the chair by my hospital bed at 3am. I love you.
Ok, so...Christmas?? Bring it on :)