oh nuttin' just chillin' here in science class.
remember when we used to write notes like that?
EVERY note started with Hey. Wassup? N/M here, just chillin' in "insert class here"

to the blog that has turned into a once-in-a-blue-moon stream of consciousness for me.
when i was in high school i actually plagiarized a stream of consciousness paper. that's how lazy i was.
i literally copied and pasted weezer lyrics and jack handy quotes. and my teacher loved it. he wrote things like, "you are so funny! great sense of humor. what creativity!"
he was so out-of touch.

lazy bones.
we haven't had time for lazy bones around here.

last saturday erik had his master's recital!

these people had time for lazy bones though (and during erik's recital nonetheless!)

she had time for lazy bones, and she's prooouuud of it!

meanwhile, in brechemin...
erik made beautiful sounds come out of his trumpet.

i even backed him up on piano for one song
it was very romantic.
i was shaking like a leaf.
but everyone said they couldn't tell.
we had a reception in the "fishbowl" (cute name for room with several windows)

when we arrived after the concert- 3 of the cupcakes were missing! a cupcake bandit had taken our treats during erik's performance!
also, during the reception, a very large and scraggly dog walked into the room. followed by a homeless man yelling, "ROSCO!!! ROSCO!"
only in seattle. and every other medium-to-large city in the world. plus any place that has weirdos.

My point is...Erik played fantastically.
(picture from a practice session)
watching him perform made me so proud.
he is such a talented musician
and i know that he has chosen this path
not because it's easy
but because he truly loves it.
and i truly love him.

i could end my post here, but i want to mention what a great time we had with his family.
and post the group photo i said i wasn't going to post

and post this photo of joey in nerd glasses

just kidding joey.
i also want to mention that we hit up the LEGO store

it kiiind of made me want to have boys

but the prices didn't

easter was lovely.

i didn't go to church.
i slept in.
it was completely circumstantial.
i felt bad about it.
i still do!

what is that miranda lambert song?
‘Cause I heard Jesus, He drank wine
And I bet we’d get along just fine
He could calm a storm and heal the blind
And I bet He’d understand a heart like mine'