slash every other cliche people post about not blogging.
want to know what i've been up to? just look at those cute little feet on the previous post.
and look at her sisters faces when we took them to the hospital to meet her for the first time.

holding a newborn baby is like
heaven on earth
like cookies and milk for the soul.
like standing on the tallest mountain while a choir of 10,000 sings behind you.
oh crap. i'm stuck on youtube again
what?? visual music!
i love this song.
i'm dancing to it right now.
ok. going outside.
The sun is shining.
I left work early.
and I'm going to go "bask"
(aka walk to the grocery store)
Maybe one day I'll make it back to the computer,
there are so many things I want to write about.
Like our new budget
And how Paul Newman is the bomb digg-i-ty
hope everybody is doing well!
go hug someone you love today.