
367 days and counting

Yesterday marked our first anniversary together (in holy matrimony that is!) To celebrate, Erik took me to Icon Grill downtown then we went home for champagne and a movie. Ok look- we were going to go to the theater but our new tv had come in that morning so we were really itching to rent a blue-ray.

Word to the wise: do NOT rent The Invasion starring Nicole Kidman (Qué horrible!).
It all turned out all right though. We sipped on 24-kt gold-flecked champagne (thank you grandma and grandpa!) ( and no-I'm not kidding) in our Waterford flutes (thank you Chris and Harry!) ((You all really need to stop spoiling us or we're going to get used to this lifestyle way too early!))

Here are some pics we took pre-dinner, post-where do you want to go/i don't care, where do you want to go/ i don't care/ just choose!/ are you ready yet?/ i'm starving/ just hang on- i can't find anything to wear/ have you seen my black shoes?/i look fat/ no you don't/ yes i do- you're just saying i don't because you want to leave!/honey, you don't look fat/ where did i put my purse?/ its 8 o'clock can we just leave all ready?/ its 8?/ yes its 8/ ok let's go/ok/can we take a picture first?

I just realized that titling this post 367 days of marriage "...and counting" might sound a little different than I intended. I mean it, of course, in the most positive way. I hope that one day we'll be celebrating 36,700 days of marriage (Erik says we better start eating our vegetables.) This past year has been more rewarding than I ever realized it could be!

Erik: I love you. You are my greatest friend!


If the earth is going to tilt on its axis to spare some extra daylight, the least we can do is throw a parade.

It's a quiet Saturday night around here. I just baked a cake for a bbq tomorrow and Erik and I are watching 48 hours mystery {{ya...}}. Erik just picked up his PSP so I thought I'd post!

Now most of you already know that a tiny part of my heart (about 12% actually) is reserved for the unshaven Bohemian-flavored, members of the population. Well, today that little portion of my heart was filled up.

That's right- the 37th annual Fremont Summer Solstice Celebration is in session this weekend. I don't know what it is exactly about a solstice that makes people feel a need to paint their naked bodies and ride around the city on bicycles that they've decorated with fake flowers and plastic ivy- but who needs a good reason-obviously not the naked painted people. Summer solstice will do. Pics below (all decent- i promise!):
Give it up for the Dynamic Duo
Is this a joke? There can't really be Baptists in Fremont...

yes- the "travelling medicine show". Here's the plan: we're going to socialize medicine and then get this guy to travel the country giving out his medical potions for free. Any takers?

Or..we could all just belly dance with Delilah..
At the Burke building they filled the parking lot with "art cars." so fun:

(dentures w/toothpaste bumper)

This guy was my favorite character of the day. The little girl is holding a game controller that she used to "control" his actions. It was hilarious.
and then he picked up his trumpet.
(you may want to pause the music above so you can really hear those 'mad skillz')

Ciao for now! I hope everyone is doing well!



Erik & I got up and walked around the lake this morning- I thought I'd post a few pics of the area!


First Week in Seattle

woah. It's been awhile since I last posted. I did sign on once a few weeks ago to write about our last few days in Oklahoma and when I tried to publish the post I lost my internet connection and in turn lost the whole thing. Too lazy to re-type!

Kelsea thinks I need to change the blog name to Jamie & Erik: and all that gangsta rap...hmm. I'll have to think on that one. It has been so much fun living with her so far. We finally got all of our belongings unpacked. Now we get to decorate- the fun part!

I love living in Seattle. Everyone is so healthy here! I'm a little amazed at how dedicated some people are up here-rain or...rain they are out running! I shouldn't joke about the rain. After all, the sun has come out a few days since we've been here. It has been the coldest spring on record here though.

Isn't it true that the weather is what you talk about when you don't have anything more interesting to say? That and gas prices (its up to $4.55 a gallon here! just thought I'd throw that in.)

Last night we went to a birthday party for our good family friend at Volterra in Ballard. The party was held in the drawing room (next door) and we had a great time. The food was amazing and the signature cocktail? A rosemary lemoncello. yum.