
Happy Halloween!
Hope your weekend is super-spooky!!!
(Erik really needs a facial)

A is for Agatha

I went to the library determined not to check out my usual: religious non-fiction and historical narratives (I know, I know, I'm wild and crazy, right? :))
This time I came out with Agatha Christie. She's timeless!


Did you know I married a doctor?

After my 12 hour nap (I'm Sicky McSickerson today) Erik woke me up with
a bottle of 7up and a Hershey bar in his hands.
A doctor and a pharmacist.
I am so lucky.

I Love You Man.


Sunday Dinner

Ok look. I got a little over-zealous with the close-up "artsy" photos. But we had a really great evening and I wanted to share it with you.


Here's that chili recipe I promised...

The stains show we get a lot of good use out of this one.


Why did it take me so long to get my paws on this album?

Love it. Certainly making up for lost time.

Do the Can Can Can


Tonight as Erik and I sat in the living room I noticed we were matching.  Maroon, black, and navy blue.

his pearl-snap flannel shirt+my dark red tennies
his black converse+my black tank top
his navy stripes+my navy sweater

It wasn't all that rare really- I wear those dark red Keds nearly everyday
(and once the weather drops below 60 Erik can't get enough of his Wrangler flannel.)

It was rare that we had an hour to sit together on a week night.

Things have been hectic. I'm not gonna lie. He usually comes in after class with just enough time to change clothes and scarf down a bowl of chili (recipe coming!) , then he's out the door and off to play another show/rehearsal/lesson.

But our dreams for the future still match.
And his flannel is always super-snuggly when he gets home.



That was fun.

Dear Ben,
Heard you were in town. Let's meet at Benaroya- say...around 7?
p.s. omg we can't wait


Fall brings out the crafter in me. It doesn't hurt that I'm surrounded by so many kids! How refreshing it is to work with them- to say, it doesn't matter what the product is (how I can use it, or how great it looks) the only thing that matters is the process.


Check out this 1894 film prouced by Thomas Edison.
The film is hand tinted- a job that my own grandmother held years later in the 1930's. (A photo she tinted of my mother as a little girl sits on our mantle as I type this.)
Each frame was painted individually to make it appear that Annabelle's dress is changing color.
It truly is a beautiful art-one that requires a lot of patience.
From IMDB: "The Kinetograph would film at 48-frames per second. If that were the case for this 18-second film, there would be 864 frames where only the dress would be hand-painted."

This weekend I will:
drink coffee
hang out with some totally awesome kids
love my husband
make some garland like my role model rubyellen
finish my library books