
Our dining room houses this old typewriter I found at a garage sale in Arizona. Here we leave messages for one another: love notes, trite jokes, testimonials, innuendos and suggestions.

When my mom got her hands on it, she typed:

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
in red ink.
just like that.

That phrase was once used to test speed and accuracy of typists before personal computers.
(A bit silly in a time when most professional typists were women.)

This is what ours says at the moment- take a hint. and have a swell 'Hafta sonu'. (That's Turkish for 'weekend')

The "do less" manifesto


beisbol, mi amor

oh the satisfaction i get throwing my peanut shells on the floor.
i'm lying- i had thai food.
thai food and cookie dough ice cream.
erik played the national anthem and rocked my socks off.
he is superman. no. he is wolverine.


There is some law that says if you stay up long enough past your bedtime, you will eventually find yourself making a collage.
There was no acting involved.


It's late.
I should be sleeping.
My alarm goes off at 5:15 tomorrow morning.
But I am a rebel.
I'm tapping into my college days when I didn't calculate my hours of sleep.
(And I didn't give a crap about the weather.)
Tomorrow I will not be so nostalgic-I will want to take a nap.
For now, I'm surfing the web.
Click, Click, Click.


"Mr. Trumpet Badass" has a show tonight and you are invited.
(Not my personal nickname for Erik, but I can't really argue with the homewrecker...bless her soul.)
We'll be at the Rendezvous on 2nd. Bring your flasks and fedoras.
Or Else.


We had a great time in Tulsa last weekend. I told Erik's grandma we aren't ever going to move back because we like feeling so special when we come to visit for only a weekend!

Trying to visit all of our friends and family in 4 days is like trying to eat 30 jumbo marshmallows in under a minute.
There's never time to breathe, but it is still oh so sweeeet-being with those we love.

You can see the pics of Tulsa here and some shots from Scott and Val's wedding here.


Every Marriage is a Courthouse

So, I'm obviously a little late on this but am just recently catching up on This American Life (tv version) on Netflix. If you have Netflix- I encourage you to look up the show in the "Watch Instantly" section. I found this animation set to an audio clip from the radio show...

animation by Chris Ware for This American Life


I think Erik should add this to his resume...


I drew this one day after Kelsea and I walked into a locally-owned, super-hipster coffee shop, chowed down on the free samples, and then realized that they accepted cash only and uh...we didn't have no cash.
So we said (out loud) "Well, we'll have to go to Starbucks." and we left, not realizing the total magnitude of our obnoxious behavior until we got back into her car that was parked on the curb. (At which point we looked at each other and laughed until our cheeks cramped up.)

Happy Birthday Kelsea

you are fizz in my pepsi
gas in my car
the intensity of 100 light bulbs
the will of a raging bull
unequivocally hilarious
extremely generous
best-dressed clubber of the year
my favorite sister
my only sister


Erik and I are taking a little vacation tomorrow through the weekend. But don't worry- I've scheduled a few posts to be published while I'm gone. (I know you were really worried.)

Take care everyone! I hope you are all feeling happy, fulfilled, and giving yourself time to stop and smell the roses! :)

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it;
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


*fresh lavender from one of our parents at school


Got My Jeans On, Got My Boots On

I just wanted to document the day that Kenny Chesney came to Seattle- and Kelsea actually went to his concert.
(That's dedication)


For some reason my family has always called Nordstrom "Nordstrom's".
Much like the way my mother sings, "You make me feel like a natural-born woman."
I stopped in today for the anniversary sale and got yet another pair of gladiator sandals.
See, I didn't have a metallic pair, so I needed to get a metallic pair....
ummm.....ya. Erik didn't buy it either.
Well, he "bought" it but he didn't buy it. :) get it?

Not amused.