
There's Always Next Year...

Well, Bedlam didn't go exactly as planned, but we had a great night nonetheless. Here's some proof:


Down Time

I've learned that "life in the real world" means you actually appreciate free time. (You mean...I can sleep in?) We've been spending our long weekend playing guitar, sharing pots of coffee, and decking the halls. In other words- doing nothing. And it has been wonderful.


So this is love...

Look what I found on the dining room table when I got home from work this evening!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Other Lives

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Familiar Faces

A couple weeks ago the band that Erik used to play with (Other Lives) came up to Seattle on tour so we went up to Chop Suey on Capitol Hill to say hello. It reminded me of all the fun times I had watching Erik play with them...at Mike's College Bar, Third Place Coffee Shop, on the Library Lawn sitting with Vanessa smoking cheap cigarettes :)

What is it about seeing people from your past that makes you so happy? We spend so much time looking ahead of ourselves that a glimpse of the past feels so refreshing. It makes me realize the number of people that have come in and out of my life- all having something to do with the way I think and feel and percieve.

The song playing on the tape is their new single "Black Tables." It was recently featured on Grey's Anatomy. If you really like their stuff and want to hear more, you can check out their EP on iTunes and find an entire album under their former alias Kunek.


When Scott and Val came to town...

OK- 2 days is not sufficient time to show your friends all of Seattle, but we came pretty darn close. :) I think the only thing we missed was the Underground tour. And when you consider that we made a horror movie (Scott is a film guru) on top of that...I think we did pretty good.

Black Hole Sun...

Love this girl down below... Who doesn't?

We missed you Missy Higgins.

Workin' hard or hardly workin'?