
Pilling's Pond

You would never expect to find a quaint and peaceful duck pond off 90th and Aurora. For my out of town readers...Aurora was the old Interstate 5 back in the fifties (today it is cheap motels and hookers).

This is Chuck. He started digging the pond in 1923, when he was only 12 years old.

Looking at the old pictures I realized that this plot of land used to be country! Funny how the city seemed to just rush in around it like a flood. I'm glad its still here. In fact, I'm thinking of taking up some of the volunteer opportunities available. (I know, I'm a grandma)

*not that there is anything wrong with being a grandma :)
you'd just think I might have waited 60 more years.
(hi grandma!)


Oh this is going to be so much fun

"welcome to mcDonald's, can i take your order?"

- Sent from my iPhone

- Sent from my iPhone
I'm sitting outside on the porch downloading endless content onto my new iPhone.

And now I will test out my blogger app...

iPhone 1
Blackberry 0

Also-is it a fashion no-no to wear croc flats in your twenties?

Don't answer that.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone




There are two flatscreen televisions in my living room.

2 tvs, 2 Playstation 3's, 2 headsets w/mics, a ton of cords, two pairs of flannel pajama shorts, and 2 guys that are so cool I don't even care if they re-arrange the house to look like an army command center.


welcome to seattle keith!


I never thought I would be one of those moms that takes a thousand of the same picture of her kid, but seeing the insane number of photos I've taken of just our stupid cat- well, I better stock up on some external space for that special day I become a mommy. (not today ken, sorry.)

and this is a collage I made for you.

Andrew Bush Photography

love this concept.
click here


Mozart's Requiem

Erik played at Benaroya this weekend- what an amazing experience. We've been to a million shows there, but to see him onstage was truly amazing. Just like him.

p.s. if you are a music geek like me, you may find the history of this piece intriguing...

date night


Why did I give up television for lent?

Oh yeah, because it's crap.


from an elderly woman in mexico

handmade towels to keep your tortillas warm.
