
Murder. Mystery. Jello Shots.

Sorry I haven't been blogging, I overdosed on these and I've been sleeping for a week straight!
Oh, you don't care if I've been blogging or not? Fine then. Do you want to hear about the murder mystery party we went to last weekend?
I was "Cindy Butt" the cigarette girl
Only $50 a pop! Would you believe I made as much as $300 for one? Monay!
Joey- I mean Sam
It's fake grandma, don't worry
Thigh pics are the new foot pics fyi
it was not a dark and stormy night
Mayor Biggs
His mistress, Flirty Flapper
They're so hood.
Remind me to bring my fake ciggies to all the bars
long ride home
morning after


Dear Self,

You're beautiful.
Sometimes you think you aren't,
And sometimes you feel like you are,
You never really believe it,
You are.

And don't cut off all of your hair because you are bored.
If you really feel like your life is stuck in a rut,
Go sky-diving,
Play "chicken" on the freeway,
But please,
Do not cut off all of your hair.
You will regret it.
And you'll just spend the next 6 months
Growing it out long again anyway.

Things will get worse,
But they will always get better.
You could argue that things will get better but they'll always get worse...
Stop thinking like that.

Clean your room.
Stop trying to shave a few seconds off getting ready
By trying on outfit after outfit and then throwing them on the floor,
Because those seconds you saved not hanging things back up
adds up to hours of hanging and hanging and folding
on your day off.

Also, I have a feeling that your husband would like to sleep in his bedroom,
Not your closet.

Stop taking things so personally.
Let other people think/do/want what they want.

Value your own opinion.
Get what you want.
Want what you get.

Thinking alone is not caring.
Action is caring.
Love is action.



Orcas Island

This weekend we loaded up the car and drove far, far away to catch a ferry.
When we got to the island it was dark.
We drove up the windy, gravel road until we reached our cabin.
The first night we were there my cell-phone died.
I didn't revive it for two whole days.
It was awesome.
We spent the weekend the way life was meant to be lived.
Have you heard of hygge?
It comes from Danish culture and it means: relaxing, comfort, friends, laughter, a warm fire
We played cards
Listened to the rain
Walked down to the beach
and drank like sailors.
in this crazy little hobbit house nestled in the trees.

wonderful weekend