
Valentine's Day was a smash. The sun lit up Seattle like Erik lights up my life. All day. It was a Vitamin-D fest- which apparently is not good for me. I could not stop exclaiming, "It's Valentine's Day! " Looking back, its a little embarrassing to recall rolling down the window and shouting it out to those peeps on the street.

We got a little love from the Harajuku Lovers. Thank you Gwen- they smell as delightful as they look. And yes, Gwen and I are on a first-name basis. This is a decision I made very recently.

Erik and I discussed our future (when should we buy our first house? city or country? would it be cruel or funny to name our first son 'Smee') as we stopped for a bacon cheeseburger and fish tacos down at the marina.

and she thought to herself...
i will always love him.

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