
four years

does it sound bad to say it feels like way more than 4 years?

it feels like forever. it feels like we were born hand in hand.

our first date: i was 14 and you were 16. married at 22 and 24. it's easy to feel like that's the beginning of your life. we didn't have a clue.

do we now?

probably not.

i've always known you were a great and noble man, but the longer we're married the more evidence you give me. i'm running out of places to keep track. your kindness is overflowing, your love is everlasting. it seems like there is no limit to your love.

you are patient, kind, you do not boast, you are not proud. you are not self-seeking, not easily angered, you keep no record of wrongs. you always protect, always trust, always hope, always persevere.

how many women can pinpoint their man in 1 Corinthians 13?

i don't deserve you, but you insist that i do. you insist it's the other way around but i know whats really up.

i know you are everything to me. i'm a balloon and you are my tether- letting me float around in space like a crazy person and grounding me at the same time.

you patiently circle the block so i can get a picture of the guy on the corner riding a uni-cycle.

4 years

till our games be over ;)