
le Black Hills

no disrespect to our forefathers, but i probably don't need to see mt. rushmore again in my life. this trip i had more fun looking at fellow tourists than at the mountain.

i can't deny it's an amazing site- teddy roosevelt is wearing glasses. that's impressive.

after visitng the dead presidents we made a pit stop in keystone- a one-street cowboy/tourist central town.

while having drinks in the "saloon" a gunfight broke out between a 7-ft tall man and his nemesis. my mom was FREAKING OUT! she doesn't even like to be around balloons for fear they will pop, so the gunfight was like a 15 on a 1-10 scale of dislike for her.

but i can't say all bad things about her. after all, she did put on a feather boa and hike up her leg on an old beer growler.

can i just say i hope i look half this good when i am her age?

speaking of looking good, i'm off to my belly-dancing class to shake my groove thang!

i WISH i could take pictures of that class and post them here but i would probably get beat up. just picture people with jet black hair and tattoo sleeves doing this:

and there's always one that looks like this: