Hey guys!
Going through some changes lately.
And always.
Who isn't?
Everything is constantly changing.
Isn't it wonderful?
And scary?
This afternoon I went to see Erik play at Benaroya with SMCO, then we hopped over to Bellevue for some world-famous dumplings at Din Tai Fung, followed by coffee with my mom and Joey. I feel so grateful for the wonderful people in my life.
And it's all about relationships.
My tendency as an introvert is to shy away when people start to get close. It's always easier to go on a walk alone, read a book, or snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie. (Erik says I'm addicted to Netflix documentaries-I've seen so many that I forget and re-watch them. Oh and p.s. whoever owns Netflix must be a homosexual, environmentalist health-nut bc that's what 99% of the documentaries are about or end-up being about.)
I love time alone, but I also love the people in my life.
And I want to meet some new people too! Volunteering in my community, picking up a second job, and spending time getting to know my neighbors are just a few things I'm adding to "the list".
And I'm going to get my priorities straight. As in: more money does not equal more happiness. At least not for right now. Maybe someday it will. I'm not talking about settling, I'm talking about growth. I'm talking about love, peace, joy, faith.....and then money.
And then dumplings.