
I found two plastic bags full of cassette tapes in the art studio at my school the other day. When I was a little girl I was all about the cassette. I wanted nothing to do with cds. Psh. cds. Clenching my Teddy Ruxpin cassette in my left hand, I made a list explaining why tapes were so much better (um...they are slightly smaller and less breakable and...that's about it) My very first cassette tape was MC Hammer. It was a gift and mom made me throw it away. (I was only 6.)

Now these tapes sat on our art studio shelf waiting to be thrown out too (but for totally different reasons.) So one morning for art we broke the cassettes open with a hammer and removed all the curly, silvery tape. It didn't make music-rather wigs, moustaches, and beards. Very distinguished.

Today I watch as a girl in my class (who speaks German and Japanese) picks up an old house phone that we have as a toy, and stuffs it in her pocket. House phone? What is a house phone? she thinks.
Days gone by.

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