
We celebrated two years of marriage this week
had some cab at Bizarro
walked down 45th street holding hands.
It's become tradition to project where we will be in 15 years
so we settled on the Ozarks, 16 kids, raising beef cattle and mining for barite

(it could happen)

i don't care where we are
as long as we're together


  1. happy 2 years! that is an exciting celebration.

  2. congrats!!

    i have a anniversary present for you...

    check my blog!

    i finally posted it, hooray. i just need you to make sure i got all your pictures on there and make sure that they're in the right spot.

    after i got your word document i copy and pasted your answers and then it got deleted so i couldn't go back and check where you had all the pictures so i tried to guess as best i could. there's only a couple i wasn't sure about.

    anyway, thanks again. this was lots of fun!

  3. Congrats!!!
    If you have sixteen kids, more power to ya!


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