
I'm baaaaack!

(My grandmother was absolutely horrified by this picture.)

What an amazing 3 weeks.
I took so many pictures that I decided to put them on Picasa and let you go through them there instead of uploading each individual image.

Here are the links to:


It is so great to be home again. It was almost fun to go back to work today!
Oh- and before I go:

My New Year's Resolution
*to follow through *
There are so many times I'll think about how I should write a letter to my great-grandmother or take a walk on my lunchbreak. Once in awhile I'll dream up anonymous ways I could help people in my life. But I rarely follow through. So this year I resolve to take action. To not let my thoughts end as thoughts.

And now a song from my cousin.

Little Streisand from Jamie Reed on Vimeo.

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