
Now even your Kleenex can be cute! Buy these adorable covers here.
(via Supermarket) Choosing not to deny the state of our economy?
Then you can run out to your local drugstore to get my favorite soap! Cheap AND functional!
I heard about it on the Dr. Oz radio show (ya...so Seattle traffic compels me to listen to the lamest crap on the radio...and I blog about soap :)) Anyway- the only ingredients are olive oil, salt and water and the dermatologist Doc Oz interviewed said it is the best cleanser for your face. And its just a little over a buck for an entire bar.

extra challenge: use this as an expression the next time someone gives you crap.


  1. k, i'm totally gonna try this. i've been needing a new face wash. can i really just get it at a drug store? like walgreens?

  2. ooooh! Sounds great- I will have to give it a try.

    Great blog!



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